CHRISTOPH OBERHOLZER -VON TOLNAI                                                 DE         EN

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you human

2018 bakalised plywood, tempera paint, linen thread, 56x 152 cm

The further the viewer moves away from the work, the more the high-contrast scenes disappear behind the dence space of the stretched threads: images of endangered species. Through the appropriated demarcation from the information received via the many screens in our lifes, the call to action eludes us in the flickering of the threads stretched across the frame.

Screens / Lightdream - Darkdream


Mediterranean Sea

2017 bakalised plywood, tempera paint, linen thread, 56 x 56 cm

In the work "Mediterranean Sea", a refugee boat sails through the Mediterranean Sea, like a seed. The viewer flies over the scene and experiences it from the outside. Between the witness and the human tragedy taking place at this very moment, the space flickers.


2017 bakalised plywood, tempera paint, linen thread, 56 x 56 cm

In the painting "City" we see a city night scene that could take place anywhere in the world. At the same time, it is the artist's view from his city studio:

A central location, traffic, and people on a pedestrian crossing. In this work, too, Lightdream-Darkdream thematises the dreams of people who move to cities full of hope, where work and prosperity supposedly await them. And yet rising rents and the widening gap between the rich and the poor take their toll. More and more people fall through the cracks and end up on the streets.


2017 bakalised plywood, tempera paint, linen thread, 56 x 40 cm

By means of portable communication devices, any form of pornography is accessible anytime and anywhere, and it is also widely consumed. The schematised sequences serve a need satisfaction without connection. Just like moths in a closet, the images settle in our memory and influence our interpersonal reality.

Taking a holiday

2017 bakalised plywood, tempera paint, linen thread, 56 x 40 cm

Introduced at the time by Hitler to generate votes, "taking a holiday" has become perhaps the sweetest little treat of our consumer society.

Everybody knows ...